Mosin Rifles Models

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Sniper Rifles


M24 (Finland)


Finland Mosin Nagant

General Specifications Finnish Model M24 General Description:

Weight -- Weight -- 9 1/2 lbs. (4.3 kg)
Length (over all) -- 51 1/2" (130.8 cm)
Barrel Length -- 31 1/2" (80 cm)
Stock Length -- 47 1/2 (120.7 cm)

  • Produced -- 1924-1928.
  • Estimated Production -- 26,000 - 27,000.
  • Nicknamed "Lotta's rifle" by the troops that carried it.

One of the earliest Finnish arsenal rebuilding programs was undertaken by the Finnish Civil Guard, Suojeluskunta, to refurbish worn out Russian M91 rifles into the M24. The rifles had been acquired by capture from Russia at the time of the Finnish independence in 1918 or purchased from other countries. Many of the M91 rifles had been in continuous use for 30 years or more.

The Finnish Civil Guard, “Suojeluskunta”, sought bids from companies in Switzerland and Germany to produce the replacement barrels. The initial contract for production of the barrels was awarded in 1923 to the Swiss firm Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft of Neuhausen am Rheinfalls, SIG. An additional contract to a German arms consortium made up of Venus Waffenfabrik and Romrwerke AG was awarded in 1924. The SIG barrels were marked "Schweiz-Industrie Gesellschaft Neuhausen" on the right of the chamber just above the stock. The German barrels bear the mark "Bohler-Stahl" on the underside of the chamber.

The initial order of 3,000 Swiss SIG barrels were dimensionally identical to those on the M91. The remainder of the SIG barrels and the German manufactured barrels are heavier. The diameter of the barrel was increased by approximately 1mm to improve accuracy. These were produced with a "stepped barrel" near the muzzle to accommodate the standard bayonet. The M24 barrels are undated and have the Finnish Civil Guard crest, an S topped with three fir sprigs in a shield, on top of the chamber.

Included at this time were changes made to deepen the barrel channel in the forestock; a deeper handguard inlet; and also an improved trigger with a coil spring added to take up trigger slack and improve trigger pull. These design changes were instituted in mid 1925. Many rifles were also fitted with a cross bolt through the forestock just behind the nose cap to retain the front barrel band. This was done so the barrel band could be left loose thereby eliminating a pressure point on the barrel and increasing accuracy. Eventually the Finns did away with this modification in favor of using small wood screws to secure the loosened barrel bands.

Assembly of the M24 was done at Suojeluskuntain Ase-ja Konepaja Osakeyhtiö, the Finnish Civil Guard workshop that eventually would become known as SAKO. Funds for the refurbishment of the M24 rifles was raised by the civil guard women’s auxiliary known as the Lotta Svard. The M24 was nicknamed “Lottakivaari” or “Lotta’s rifle” by troops that carried it into battle in at least three wars.

Production ceased in 1928, but the M24 remained in service until the guard was disbanded in October of 1944. The arms were then turned over to the regular army. Due to the low numbers of the M24 manufactured and the high loss and attrition rates during the Winter War, the Continuation War and the Lapland War the M24 rifle is highly sought after by collectors.

General Features:

M24 receiver right side: SAKO workshop stamp: Konovalov style rear sight:

SIG barrel mark:

Bohler-Stahl barrel mark:
(right side of chamber) (below, hidden under stock)

Blade style front sight:

Russian pre-war sling slot:

Photos courtesy of JumperWire, Administrator,
Article written by gwilly, Wiki Contributor,

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